Divorce courts are full of people filing papers for legal actions that neither of them actually want. Tactical Communication can save your relationship. Most domestic problems stem from verbal abuse, or at least an inability to communicate with dignity and respect. Tactical Communication will transform your home life. While you will certainly still have debates, with training you can eliminate the fights.

What is Tactical Communication? Well, it's not natural language. It is a highly artificial art form that keeps you away from the trouble that your ego, bias and self interest bring about when you're under pressure. This 4-hour course provides in-depth investigation into verbal and non-verbal communication and human psychology. The course teaches the core skills of representation, mediation and translation in verbal encounters. The course provides students with several communication models that, when used properly, will substantially enhance professionalism and encourage voluntary compliance in others.

On the Streets

Tactical Communication Training

Tactical Communication in policing has never been more relevant than it is today. In recent years, scrutiny against uniformed officers and the necessity of their force against civilians has been in the spotlight. Agencies committing to tactical communication training and reinforcing its concepts in policy show drastic reductions in citizen complaints, use of force and the related vicarious liabilities.

In your Relationships

Tactical Communication's applications go well beyond public safety workers. Many successful retailers point to their tactical communication training as hallmarks of their success. In the workplace, Tactical Communication has applications for employee retention, customer retention and reducing stress & violence in the work place.

Course Fees:


4 Hour Basic Course - $40

​8 Hour Advanced Course - $ 75

In the Work Place